Author's Note- This is a response about the pigs in Animal Farm by George Orwell.
Leadership is a big responsibility. Often times, when someone gains power and leadership, they may go a bit overboard because they have control. This happens in Animal Farm with the pigs. When the gain power, they do whatever they can to gain more.
In the beginning of the book, when Old Major presents the idea of Animalism, the pigs use their brilliance to help to form a rebellion and drive out the Mr. Jones. Once they achieve their goals, they appoint themselves as leaders because they are the most intelligent. They learn to read and write and create the seven commandments of Animalism.
Then eventually, the pigs were hungry for more power. There were many arguments between them and they would stop at nothing to acquire more. They lied about the commandments and convinced the other animals that some of the commandments never existed. Sometimes the pigs would send dogs after animals
who didn't agree with them.
The pigs have become tyrants just like Mr. Jones. This is not what Old Major had wanted. Not all of the animals are equal. Using his book, Orwell has portrayed that the leaders of the revolution of Russia took control and basically appointed themselves as unofficial Czars. Power can be a good thing, but just like every other thing in this world, only in moderation. Too much power is the cause of the negative events in the Russian Revolution as Orwell shows us in Animal Farm.