Monday, December 12, 2011


Author's Note- This is a small part of Inheritance in the point of view of a Nїdhwal. A Nїdhwal is dragon like creature with no wings and live in the sea.

The strong feeling of a relatively familiar mind awoke me. It was something I hadn't felt in over a hundred years, but it was unmistakable. It was  a dragon. Lunch time. There is a reason they were thought to be extinct. Despite what they think, those lesser creatures are nothing like the Nidhwalar! They have no right to compare themselves to superior beings such as us. I should not have been surprised at the appearance of a dragon as there being a large amount of energy being released in the East as of late. Not that it matters though. Now it is lunch time. I swiftly rose out of the water to attack my prey, but it got lucky and anticipated my attack and rose high into the air before I could make an easy meal out of it. Curse those wings of theirs!