Abominable in every
way, it terrorizes innocent students on a daily basis. It is a torture so
malevolent that it should only be used in prisoner of war camps, but here it is
being used in schools. What kind of evil is this? It is the notorious essay.
Why would this
detestable agony be forced upon blameless children? Who is to blame? Many would
blame the teacher, but who placed this deadly weapon into their hands? It was a
man who lived in the fifteen hundreds. It
was Michel de Montaigne, an influential writer from France. He popularized the
mutilating task we now call an essay.
The excruciating
pain caused by writing essays could be compared to child birth and even going
to the dentist. The agony starts with a
painful racking of the brain. This cruelty is known as brain-storming. Then the
victim is brutally forced to communicate these thoughts through an afflictive
and laborious task that we now call writing. After that, the recipient of such
deeds must be graded and told what to improve on so that he can go write
another essay. The cycle continues, forever oppressing poor innocent
Why are children
condemned in such a way? Does it give teachers pleasure to cause these
afflictions, and if so, why? Is it to satisfy a longing to take out their own
misfortunes on others? The children are merely sitting ducks. They are
defenseless prey. Please stop this before somebody is seriously wounded… or
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