Monday, December 12, 2011


Author's Note- This is a small part of Inheritance in the point of view of a Nїdhwal. A Nїdhwal is dragon like creature with no wings and live in the sea.

The strong feeling of a relatively familiar mind awoke me. It was something I hadn't felt in over a hundred years, but it was unmistakable. It was  a dragon. Lunch time. There is a reason they were thought to be extinct. Despite what they think, those lesser creatures are nothing like the Nidhwalar! They have no right to compare themselves to superior beings such as us. I should not have been surprised at the appearance of a dragon as there being a large amount of energy being released in the East as of late. Not that it matters though. Now it is lunch time. I swiftly rose out of the water to attack my prey, but it got lucky and anticipated my attack and rose high into the air before I could make an easy meal out of it. Curse those wings of theirs!  

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Are You Proud of Your Country?

Author's Note- This was a paragraph in response to the patriot's pen essay writing contest question. 
Are you proud of your country? That is tough question. Of course we are a free country and we have great rights and all that, I know, but with our current economy, I would have to say no. Nobody cares about the people anymore. It's all about money. The leaders in our country are making bad decisions. I don’t know much about politics, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that our economy is going down the toilet! So I would have to say that, in this current state, I am not proud of my country.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Dagger

Author's note- This is just a starting idea that I had for part of a story I was thinking about starting. I might try to develop  this further, I'm not sure about it. I'd like feedback so let me know what you think.

It was a beautiful night, with the full moon out, shining as I watched the gentle breeze blow the trees in a dance like motion. Everything was right in the world. I had my prized possession, the only thing that I ever wanted and needed. If only every day and every night could be this way. I let out a sigh of happiness and was thankful for the joy.

Then, a dark, ominous cloud rolled over the moon and cover the beautiful light. A dark, familiar shadow slowly emerged. The dark figure crept closer, and I realized it was my friend. He kept coming closer, and then I noticed what was in his hand. It was a long, jagged, sharp, bloody dagger his eyes met mine, and moved swiftly towards me. With one swift movement, he stabbed his weapon straight through my heart, and according to the doctors, it should have killed me, but it didn't. I was robbed of my prized possession. I wish that dagger had just killed me, but instead, I had to live through the suffering.  Alone and suffering……

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Author's Note- This is a journal entry that I wrote at the beginning of the year that I thought would be neat to post to see the improvement from then. This event really took place a few years ago. It was one of the last times I saw my brother because he lives far way.

I am fishing, watching as boats go by. The slight breeze is gently blowing, stirring the air. The sun is shining as my brother decide to go in and try to catch a muskie by hand. I laugh as the fish swim in circles around him, taunting him, but he can't get his hands on them.  I imagine the laughing at him as he smiles, but doesn't give up. With his hard  determination he is finally able to grasp one. After a moment of victory celebration he lets the fish go. We decide to walk home. Laughing and having a good time.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ostrich World!

    Author's Note- This was just a fun writing activity that, as a class, words were chosen to try to put into a story. Mine turned out quite random so beware! All of the red words were words that were chosen by the class to put into their stories. 

    It was finally over. Timmy's great, exhausting adventure was finally over. He could now sit down in his igloo and eat his favorite meal: Potatoes, mutton, and dumplings. Well, at least this adventure was over, but little did he know, there was at that very moment trouble brewing. A catastrophic epidemic that could change the whole world was being strategically planned.

    Meanwhile, in the secret headquarters of the evil X-men in Romania, the evil leader was unveiling his 
    malevolent plan. The leader was a genius and his plan could easily succeed to take over the world. It was so genius and so evil that it was unlikely that even our hero, Timmy, could stop it. The commander of this operation was the most intelligent being in the whole entire world. He loved to eat bananas. His name was Jellybeans and he was an ape. Yes, that's right Einstein, Aristotle, and  Socrates, you were outsmarted by an ape!  

    Jellybeans had an assistant, but he was an odd fellow. He was not exactly the brightest person, but then again, he wasn't exactly a person. He was a tortoise. During the secret meeting, as Jellybeans unveiled his plan, all of the X-men came to a unanimous decision that his idea was the most genius plan to take over the world ever. Well, it was almost unanimous, but the tortoise disagreed and said that the whole thing was dumb. That resulted in him getting ejected from the secret HQ in Romania. So the worthless former assistant went and told Timmy the whole plan and Timmy decided to try to stop Jellybeans

    Now you may be wondering what this super genius plan to take over the world might be. Well, the operation would take place on top of Mt. Kilimanjaro and there would be a bomb planted there. When that bomb goes off, it would release a virus that would turn everyone into quirky ostriches that are very flabbergasted and would never stop gobbling and yodeling. Oh the irony!

    Now back to the story. When Timmy heard about the evil plan, he of course had to go stop Jellybeans. I bet you think you know comes next. You think that the hero is going to jump in and defuse the bomb and save the day. Right? Wrong! That's what he tried to do, but he just was met by the X-men and later met his final moments with a noose. Then everyone else (including the tortoise) was turned into an ostrich and they were all ruled by an ape.   

    THE END!!! 

    Sunday, May 1, 2011


    Author's Note- This was a journal entry that i wrote while I was reading The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan and I was think a lot about that book so it influenced my writing a lot and I decided to write in perspective of a Roman "demigod" and used a few Latin words. Pater meus means my father and vale means goodbye. 

    Noise feels my ears in tremendous proportions.   And as I walk through, I hear a faint murmur beyond the chaos. It must have been nothing, but my imagination. But wait… there it is again! What could it be, I wonder. If only I could realize, but it is too soft as it is muted by the sounds of the construction sight. I strain my senses, listening for it again, as if I were squinting with my ears. Then I realize, all but too late. A warning cry from a crow perched on the highest point of the building. I turn around swiftly, only to my surprise to have my sight met by an immense wrecking ball, swinging towards me, with no where to run. Of course, fate would lead me hear, to the spot of my father's death, for me to join him as well. I fall to my knees and whisper one last prayer, and then it is all over. I will now see my father again, or in our native tongue rather, pater meus.  After cheating Pluto this many times, it is time, that he shall finally get his wish. Goodbye, clueless world, or rather, vale.      

    Friday, April 1, 2011


    Author's Note: This is our satire project. We used Star Wars to symbolized the recent government issues. We made this in response to Animal Farm by George Orwell.

    Thursday, March 3, 2011


    Author's Note- This is a response about the pigs in Animal Farm by George Orwell.
    Leadership is a big responsibility. Often times, when someone gains power and leadership, they may go a bit overboard because they have control. This happens in Animal Farm with the pigs. When the gain power, they do whatever they can to gain more.

    In the beginning of the book, when Old Major presents the idea of Animalism,  the pigs use their brilliance to help to form a rebellion and drive out the Mr. Jones. Once they achieve their goals, they appoint themselves as leaders because they are the most intelligent. They learn to read and write and create the seven commandments of Animalism.

    Then eventually, the pigs were hungry for more power. There were many arguments between them and they would stop at nothing to acquire more. They lied about the commandments and convinced the other animals that some of the commandments never existed. Sometimes the pigs would send dogs after animals 
    who didn't agree with them.

    The pigs have become tyrants just like Mr. Jones. This is not what Old Major had wanted.  Not all of the animals are equal. Using his book, Orwell has portrayed that the leaders of the revolution of Russia took control and basically appointed themselves as unofficial Czars. Power can be a good thing, but just like every other thing in this world, only in moderation. Too much power is the cause of the negative events in the Russian Revolution as Orwell shows us in Animal Farm.

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    Huckleberry Finn VS Tom Sawyer

    Author's Note- This is my final essay on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 

    If you have ever read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, you probably believe that Tom is a nice kid and Huckleberry Finn is some weird son of a drunkard. If you can relate to this statement, then you should read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. You would find out that the previous statement is untrue.

    In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom seems to be kind person with lots of friends, and who never gets into trouble. While Huck is an outcast. He is the son of a drunkard and he lives on the streets. Also he wears ragged clothes and doesn't go to school or church. He has no apparent home and most people don't seem to like him at all.

    In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck is this nice kid who many people can relate to. A key factor to this is the book is written Huck's point of view. I like how Mark Twain uses Huck to narrate the book. When I read about all the things he goes through, Huck seems to be someone that I might want as a friend.

    On the other hand, Tom is kind of jerk in my opinion. He lets Huck and Jim go through many time consuming and corny operations just so he could have an adventure. Later in the book, Huck and Jim find out that this was all a waste of time because, to their surprise, Jim was already set free.

    This book is mostly romance, even though some of the events are somewhat tragic or ironic. It is more realistic than its prequel and slightly less romantic. This book has continuous symbolism with the Mississippi River. It symbolizes the flowing of his Huck's life.

    Therefore the slight change in the mode changes the characters. Both Huck and Tom are almost different people in the different books. This proves that literary analysis is a key component when reading any form of literature. 

    Monday, January 31, 2011

    One Far Greater

    Author's Note- I wrote this on a slow day and I was having a hard time coming up with ideas. I developed a journal entry from about a year ago. The Legend in this is Brett Favre. In this piece I am encouraging fans not to lose hope just because Brett is gone and to accept Aaron Rodgers. I don't write poems very often and I am not very experienced with them. Please comment and tell me if there is anything I could improve on it because I am not too sure about it.

    The Legend has Gone, a Hero Betrayed us
    All Hope seems Dim, Our Era Seems To be Over
    He left us in the Dark, With only His Own Future in Mind
    Of Fame and Fortune, and much Wanted Attention
    Be that way, Traitorous Champion
    Soon You will Discover, You are Nothing without Your Team

    Do not lose Hope, Open your Eyes
    If you just Look You'll see the Light in this Darkness
    The Hope in this Time of Despair
    There is Another, Perhaps even Greater
    Who will Lead us to Victory Again
    Just believe, Don't Follow the Lost One

    Do Not let The Darkness Swallow You
    Hold on to the Last Hope, the one to be Far Greater
    Be Patient, the Time will come When We Strike Again
    The Thunder Will Settle, These Purple Stains will Come Off
    There will be a new, Far Greater Era
    If you just Patiently wait for the Light to come

    Tuesday, January 25, 2011

    Annoying Perfection

    A response on an event in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

    When you look closely, you might have more things in common with someone then you think. I learned that about Tom Sawyer. In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom has just recently returned to the plot when he comes down to Arkansas by steamboat. Even though he is trying to help Huck steal Jim, he really needs to calm down and get the Job done instead of being such a perfectionist.

    In that way, I am just like Tom. I am always trying to make every little detail just perfect in most everything I do, no matter how long it takes. Even though that might sound like a good thing, if you really know me well, then you know that it gets a bit annoying. Some might say I am a procrastinator because I am always working up to the last minute, but the real reason is that I want everything to be absolutely perfect. 

    In recent chapters, Tom has made Jim follow every little dumb rule that Tom knows about being a prisoner (which is a lot). Tom believes that every little detail has to be perfect. From having snakes, rats, and spiders for pets to watering a flower with tears, everything is important to Tom. Huck and Jim have there doubts, but Tom simply replies,"But Huck, it ain't regular!" and then carries on with what he was doing before. If I had a nickel for every time Tom says that, I could buy a new flat screen TV.  It seems to be quite annoying.

    Therefore, I have discovered that Tom and I have a few more things in common than I originally believed. Maybe I could learn from him. So once in a while, try getting to know someone a little better, and you might discover that you have a lot in common after all.

    Sunday, January 23, 2011

    Welcome Back Tom

    A response to a scene from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

    In Chapter 31 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the king sells Jim for 40 dollars. This scene helps advance the plot in many ways. It moves the book into a new theme, and changes the plot.

    One way that this event helps advance the plot is that before this, Huck, Jim, the king,  and the duke were just rowing down the Mississippi River, making money here and there, but it got so you knew what was going to happen next. But now, since Jim was sold, he didn't  have any trouble ratting the king and the duke out. So now, the king and the duke are out of Huck's life, and the book can move on.

    Another advancement in the plot is that this gives Huck a new goal: To steal Jim. This gives him something to do instead of relaxing as the river carries their raft down the river. This adds excitement and suspense to the book.

    The most important way that this helps advance the plot is that it brings Tom Sawyer back into the book. When Huck goes to Silas Phelp's house to try to get Jim back, he doesn't realize that this is the home of Tom's Uncle Silas and Aunt Sally. When Tom comes down for a visit, he was sure surprised to see Huck. Together they team up to steal Jim. 

    Therefore, even though this looks like an unfortunate turn of events, Mark Twain uses this to bring in a few new themes into the book. This combination of themes makes one of the better and unique parts of the book.

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Jim's Companionship

    Author's Note- A response to a quote from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

     "I was ever so glad to see Jim. I warn't lonesome now. I told him I warn't afraid of HIM telling the people where I was. I talked along, but he only set there and looked at me; never said nothing."

    This quote from chapter eight is one of the many examples on how Jim is an important part in the life of Huckleberry Finn. Jim plays the significant role as basically the only friend he currently has. He is the only companion in Huck's life at this point. No one else can relate to Huck. Jim fills an empty void that is where Huck's family and friends should be.

    Throughout the book, Huck has lived in many different dwelling places. At one point, he lived with the Widow, but he wasn't really happy there because he felt that he lacked freedom to do what he wanted, when he wanted. He also lived with his pap at another time. In both those places, Huck lacked happiness. The reason was he didn't have a friend who could really rely on.

    The book gives the impression that Huck has everything he needs when being accompanied by Jim. Whether it is in the wilderness or on the raft, Huck is truly content. At this point, all Huck really needs is  the companionship of a good friend. 

    Saturday, January 8, 2011

    Super Setting

    Author's Note- A response about the setting of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

    The setting plays a colossal role in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This book's unique setting is one of the things that help make this book such a classic piece of literature, along with its prequel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. If the setting were changed, this would book would be a completely different story.

    Imagine how different this story would be if it took place in 2011. Every detail would be changed. From the way people spoke and the difference in the education, to the ability to own slaves, every detail is supported by the setting. Just imagine how weird it would be to  have a young boy and a run-away slave rowing down the Mississippi River today. The setting is what makes this book such a superb and classic book.

    In this book, the setting changes from place to place as the main character moves to different locations. At one point he is in St. Petersburg, Missouri. The story takes place on Jackson Island in another part of the book. Much of the setting is on a raft, rowind down the Mississippi River.

    The setting is one of the most important aspects of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This book without its unique setting is like a book with no title. Therefore in this book, the setting isn't just any old setting, it is a Super Setting.

    Wednesday, January 5, 2011

    Sly Huck takes Matters into his Own Hands

    Author's Note- A response to the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn on the actions of the main character

    When things aren't going your way, what would you do? If you are like me, it is likely that most of the time you think, “ Oh well. Nothing I can do about it.” and then eventually just get over it. Not or Huckleberry Finn. Like his friend Tom Sawyer, Huck isn't one to sit around and let well enough alone. He takes action!

    When Huck was having trouble with his pap, he didn't sit there and let his pap lock him in the house while the old man went and got drunk. Huck didn't just take the cowhide for not giving his pap money to get drunk on. Instead he put matters into his own hands in his own sly way.

    In chapter 7, Huck Plans his escape from his atrocious imprisonment that his pap forcibly provided. Even though he might not be the brightest bulb in the box (as he shows us in chapter 4 when thinking that 7 multiplied by 6 equals 35), but he makes up for it with his cunning plans. When his pap leaves the cabin, Huck is swift to go to work using a saw to cut his way out and escaping on a canoe. Not before burglarizing the cabin and cleverly faking his own death.

    Huck shows much cleverness through his actions in many various places throughout the book. He does this very well in unfavorable situations with his ability to take action whenever he wants to. He ignores what others tell him to do and does what he feels is right. Much like his friend Tom Sawyer, Huck knows how to take matters into his own hands.